5 Tips To Avoiding Lash Allergies

LAshX is known to be the Allergy-Free Adhesive on the market. Many of you have heard my story and because of this you have reached out to us to share your lash allergy stories. Sometimes people will say they tried my adhesive and are still experiencing allergies. This is of course always possible, but I created this video just to rule out other causes. In most cases there is a simple mistake being made causing the reaction. When you are working with lash adhesive; while the placement is an art, the process is a science, because it is a chemical process.
Here are the top tips for preventing allergies that you can share with your lash pro:
The adhesive should never be placed on cotton, tape, tissues, cotton gel pads etc. All lash adhesives react when in contact with cotton and produce a fume.
Your lashes should be prepped with the LAshX Cleanser before application. It is aloe based which is conditioning, soothing and anti-bacterial.
No other primers or sealers should be used.
Sealers are liquid tephlon and toxic and should not ever be used on lashes.
Wash regularly with LAshX Lash Cleanse its aloe base will kill bacteria and sooth and hydrate delicate eyes.